Flooding The Rink in Style

A fellow old-timer regaled us pre-game recently with a story about how his dad, and another (whose sons also played old-timer with me), were discovered one night out flooding the neighbourhood rink in perhaps the most creative and social manner possible.

His story goes something like this. When he was a kid, the phone at his house rang one night and the caller was looking for his dad. He didn’t know where his dad was so he told his mom the call was for dad. Mom said Dad was outside, down the street flooding the rink and she sent him off to get him.

He came back shortly thereafter, full of wonder and says to his mom that there is a car down the street near the rink with water blasting out of it into the cold night air. At this point, no mention of whether he’d found his dad in said car, etc. etc. I don’t recall if he mentioned any further trips back to the car/rink by him or his mom to resolve the phone call thing since this wasn’t the important part of the story.

What was important is the inspiration for the water cannon car. Apparently, his dad and at least one other had headed down to flood the rink, but since it was pretty cold and there seemed to be the need for some guy time, they hooked up the hose to the water source at the park, then ran the hose in through the window of the car on one side then out the other, rolled the windows mostly back up and then sat in their ride, smokin’ a couple of darts and drinking a couple of cold ones.

Bingo bango bongo – rink gets a nice fresh coat, dads get some guy-time and everybody wins.

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Filed under dads, oldtimers, rinks

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